With large companies generating the bulk of greenhouse gas emissions, it is difficult to believe that anything we do on an individual level could have a significant impact, but if enough people try to reduce their carbon footprint, it will add up in the long run. Here are a few tips on how you can reduce your carbon footprint and do your bit to combat global warming.

Energy and waste

Reduce your heating or cooling by a single degree. It doesn’t sound like much, but it already makes a big difference, especially if you work it out over a year of use. If you are using an air conditioner, consider using a ceiling fan for some of the time. Consider adding insulation in the roof and checking that doors and windows are sealed so that you can trap air inside your property.

Take shorter showers, and install a low-flow showerhead. Lower the temperature of your geyser, especially if you have to add a lot of cold water to reach an acceptable temperature. A low-flow showerhead and lower geyser temperature can reduce your carbon footprint by 900kg a year. 

Turn off lights, fans and electrical appliances when they are not in use. This includes devices in standby mode or connected to chargers. Reducing phantom power draw will not only reduce your carbon footprint but will also lower your electricity bill!

Turn the water off while you brush your teeth or do the dishes.

Do an energy audit of your home. Change from incandescent or CFL bulbs to LEDs, which use much less energy and don’t convert energy into heat. Purchase energy-efficient products. Check their Energy Efficiency Label and go for products with the best ratings. If you have older appliances, consider replacing them with more modern versions that have better energy efficiency.

Don’t store unnecessary data in the cloud. Your digital footprint also has a carbon cost, so try to keep it as small as possible.

Wash clothing in cold water. Many detergents are designed to work best in cold water, and doing two loads of laundry a week with cold water instead of hot water will reduce your carbon footprint by around 220kg a year! 


Food is probably one of the big contributors to your carbon footprint. Consider eating food as low on the food chain as possible. Fruits, vegetables, grains, and beans are your best options for reducing your contribution to greenhouse gas emissions. 14.5% of manmade greenhouse gas emissions come from livestock for meat and dairy. Every day you skip meat and dairy, you reduce your carbon footprint by 3.5kg!

If you eat fish, select fish from sustainable fishing practices. 

Opt for organic and local foods that are in season. Skip on fruits and vegetables that had to travel from far away or are out of season, with fuel and cooling adding to their fossil fuel cost. When shopping, consider where the food comes from. If the food comes from a high-impact source, like chocolate made in a country that chopped down rainforests to make space for cocoa farming, consider changing your purchase habits.

Avoid wasting food. Plan meals ahead of time to avoid spoilage, and reuse leftovers. If you can, compost your food waste.


Consider your purchasing habits. Avoid items with excess packaging, and buy used or recycled items where possible. When buying appliances, check their Energy Efficiency Rating. Do some research and support companies that are environmentally responsible. If you really want to reduce your carbon footprint, consider being as minimalist as possible, and take unused items around your home and recycle them or donate or sell them for second-hand use.


Vehicles are a major contributor to CO2 emissions, with the average vehicle generating five tonnes of carbon dioxide per year. Consider ridesharing or carpooling, and plan your trips so that you don’t have to travel unnecessarily. While driving, avoid driving aggressively. Excessive braking and accelerating can increase your fuel consumption by up to 40%!

Remove excess weight from your vehicle, and keep it in good condition. Keeping your tyres in good condition and properly inflated can improve fuel efficiency by 3% while having your vehicle properly maintained can net you another 4%.

These are just a few ways that we can make small changes in habits, but reduce our carbon footprint by hundreds of kilograms. Let’s make Earth a slightly better place to live in, however we can.

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